Cable Beach Club Resort

what a febulous idea


We were presented with a challenge by our friends at the Cable Beach Club Resort & Spa - to promote visitation in February which is usually considered a down time in Broome due to the heat and humidity. The resort is also at a reduced offering with many of the facilities closed, so there is a challenge to get potential visitors to see it’s appeal as a holiday destination.

Cheaper rates, the unique Broome experience of staying at the Resort right on Cable Beach and only a 2.5hr flight from Perth make this just as attractive, but perhaps more ‘special’ than staying ‘down south’.
We developed the ‘Bin It – You know it’s the right thing to do’ brand and messaging. The campaign leveraged the key insight that people really do know that littering isn’t the right thing to do, so we flipped this into a more positive reinforcement.

After some digesting, digging and discussing, we came to the conclusion that we needed to accept the conditions and work with them. So, the basic premise became ‘sure, it’ll be hot in Broome in February but if we’re just chilling by the pool, enjoying good food, long lie-ins and being spoilt - and we’re saving money - why wouldn’t we go?

The campaign, targeted within WA only and focusing mainly on locals (Kimberley/Pilbara) as well as those in the Perth metro and South West regions, ran as a digital campaign. It brought the proposition to life, using channels including Facebook, electronic direct mail and google display/search. Local radio was also explored as a way to reach a local audience. The messaging focusing on all the fabulous things you can experience at Cable Beach Resort (activities, dining, rest and relaxation), for less in Feb.

Thanks so much for your Feb 2020 concepts - we were all so impressed with the ideas and the variety!
— Trudi Alderman, Marketing Manager, Cable Beach Club Resort & Spa

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  • Insight gathering

  • Analysis of research



  • Concept development

  • Messaging

  • Campaign visual styling

  • Copywriting

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  • Facebook creative

  • eDM

  • Email signature

  • Events calendar

  • Radio